Vice President: Investor Relations
+27 11 806 8705
Physical Address
AECI Place, 24 The Woodlands, Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Sandton, South Africa, 2191
Postal Address
Private Bag X21, Gallo Manor, 2052
A century ago, the amalgamation of a leading global entity with a South African powerhouse resulted in the establishment of AECI, originally known as African Explosives & Industries Limited. This move took place in conjunction with a notable boom in the mining industry in South Africa, driven by the increased demand for natural resources across the world. AECI swiftly established itself as a leader in the sector as it pioneered optimising the use of mining explosives.
African Explosives and Industries Limited registered, amalgamation between Nobel’s SA interests and De Beers Consolidated Mines, declared the biggest commercial explosives factory in the world
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer is appointed chairman of African Explosives and Industries Limited
Production at No 1 Ammonia Plant begins. Company becomes world leader in explosives and chemical technology
New ammonium nitrate explosive tested
Company name changed to African Explosives and Chemical Industries Limited
R&D consolidated at Pinelands, Western Cape
Introduced capability for sequential delay timing for capped fuse systems and igniter cord
Dynagel, a low nitroglycerin content, water-resistant explosive introduced – attracted global attention and accolade
First urea plant in Africa opened at Modderfontein, supplying agri industry
Production of black powder and BGP safety fuse commenced at Modderfontein, Gauteng
Employees now at 13 515. At this tage, estimations at 1 million people employed by the company over 67 years
Annual group revenue exceeds ZAR100 million
Somerset West, Western Cape makes first pentolite booster
AECI listed on the JSE, trade code AFE
Modderfontein begins producing PETN and detonator cord
No 3 Ammonia Plant in Umbogintwini, KwaZulu-Natal with ancillary urea plant
Sinex Slurry explosives developed on-site mixing techniques, ushering in a new era in explosives surface technology
Fuse heads manufacturing starts, now completely independent of importing
Company name changed to AE&CI Ltd, in order to facilitate financial investments from abroad
New nitrogen complex known as No 4 Ammonia Plant, built in Modderfontein
Company name changed to AECI Limited
Filed first emulsion explosive patent
R&D in narrow reef assembly (NRA) shock tube system started
First new explosives factory since 1908 opened at Mankwe, near Rustenburg
Powergel bulk emulsion introduced to the surface mining industry
Non-electrical systems introduced
Mankwe factory came on stream for manufacture of safety fuse
No 3 Ammonia Plant (est 1967), mothballed (due to OPEC oil crisis)
Introduction of emulsion chemical gassing sensitisation technology
ICI exchanged 25% of its shares in AECI Ltd for 51% of the newly-formed AECI Explosives Ltd
100 years of producing explosives at Modderfontein
100 years of producing explosives at Modderfontein
AECI exercised pre-emptive option to repurchase ICI’s 51% share in AECI Explosives LTD, thus regaining 100% ownership
Closure of No 4 Ammonia Plant (est 1974)
AECI and Dyno Nobel Norway joint venture, Detnet
25.1% acquisition in AEL by Tiso Group
ISAP plant up, first detonator produced
AECI acquires Southern Canned Products
AECI acquires Schirm, with operations in USA and Germany
AECI acquires Much Asphalt
Improchem renamed, AECI Water
IAECI develops Group strategy, refocusing on mining explosives and chemicals, and will divest from seven acquired businesses. New strategy is to double EBITDA by 2026 and achieve global mining market position of #3 by 2030
AECI celebrates its centenary anniversary on 21 March 2024